©SassynSimple Tutorials
By Babs C
Written: April 19,2009
By Babs C
Written: April 19,2009
Paintshop pro 9 or similar program and a good knowledge of the program.
Tube: Keith Garvey I Purchased it at MPT but you can get it HERE
Mask: none
Kit by: Fantasy Moments FTU Kimberley found HERE
Plugins: Alien Xenoflex 2
Not all kits are same sizes.
So if you choose another kit, your re-sizing may be different..
Lets Begin
Please NOTE the below as I will not put it in each step
Once set your Drop shadow will stay
Always Close original image after you copy.
Always sharpen re-sized items.
1. Open transparent image 500x500 flood fill with a paper of your choice. Rename background
2. Choose a Frame Open EDIT/copy
EDIT/paste as new layer into your image
I used element 74.
Add Drop shadow V1 H1 opacity 70 and blur 5.00.
layers palette/right click/ rename Frame
3.Add a new raster layer below your frame.
Click inside of your frame with your magic wand
Selections/modify/expand 6.
Select black for foreground color and white for background color.
Now open material box under Gradients find foreground-background gradient repeats 4 Apply.
Selections select none.
4. Open your tube edit/copy
edit/paste into image as new layer.
re size it to fit inside of your frame.
Adjust sharpen once.
Rotate if needed.
I rotated mine 10.00 to the right.
apply same drop shadow as before.
rename tube
5. Open your elements edit/copy each one
edit/paste them as new layers into your image
re size them to fit. see my image.
adjust and sharpen once..
Add same drop shadow as above.
refer to my image for placements.
tag element /image/free rotate 20.00 right
on the bow image/free rotate it 20.00 left.
6. Set your fore-ground color to white and your background color to blackClick on your text tool
Select your font. I used AS motherlode.
Rotate it to fit in side your tag.
layers palette/right click on layer/ convert to raster layer.
7. Layers palette close the frame layer and all layers below it by clicking eye
then right click any open layer merge/merge visibleNow close the merged layer leave frame layer closed open all layers below it
right click any open layer/merge/merge visible.
8. Add a new raster layer
Selections/select all
select a dark paper from the kit Edit/copy
edit/paste into selection on your image
Selections/contract 10
hit delete on your keyboard
selections/select none
apply same drop shadow.
9. Now add your watermark on new raster layer,
apply copyrights and license numbers.
Now Re-size all layers to your liking. I re sized to 325x325.
You always need to re size before using your plugins
for animation some will not look right if you do not re size first.
1. Duplicate your frame 2 times for a total of 3 frame layers.
close off the top and middle frame layers you just added.
To close off a layer you click on the eye in the layers palette.
2. Click on the top copy of the frame in your layers palette..
Effects/plugins/xenoflex 2 constellations
star size 2 all other settings 50.
Make sure that you check keep original image.
Now click the eye in layers palette to close off this layer
3. Click on the Middle frame layer in your layers palette
Effects/plugins Xenoflex constelations
Apply your Xenoflex constellations again,
but click on random seed one time.
Now click the eye in layers palette to close off this layer
4. Click on the bottom frame Layer in your layers palette.Apply your Xenoflex constellations again,
but click on random seed one time.
5. Edit/ copy/copy merged.
Take it to Animation shop
Paste into Animation shop as New animation.
6. Close the bottom Frame Layer, and open the middle frame Layer.Edit/ copy/copy merged.
Take to animation shop
right click first frame paste after current frame
7. Close the middle Frame Layer, and open the top frame Layer.Edit/ copy/copy merged.
Take to animation shop
right click first frame paste after current frame
Now save your animation so that you can locate it when you get ready to add it to your Stationary. I always make folders and put everything in it..
STAT Background
1. Open a new transparent image. 1000x150.
Choose same light color/paper that you used in your header in your patterns
Flood fill your image
Effects/image effects/seamless tiling..
mirror and vertical checked V-4 width 20 transition 5.
2. selection tool draw out a rectangle on left 125 wide and entire height.
Flood fill with pattern or color.
Effects/ distortion/ ripple
settings H-0, V-4 Ampitude 4 wavelength 29 check wrap..
If any of your background is showing re size 103 percent to 105 percent
Effects/image effects/seamless tiling..
mirror and vertical checked V-4 width 20 transition 5.
3. Edit/ Copy all your elements
edit/paste your elements as new layer.
re-size them to fit
adjust/sharpen onceI re-sized mine 30% then copied and pasted into my image
I then resized again 50%.
Apply your drop shadow to all elements
4. Layers palette/right click Merge /merge visible.
Effects/image effects/seamless tiling..
mirror and vertical checked V-4 width 20 transition
5. Now Export with Jpeg optimizer compression 25. Save in same file as header.
Thanks for trying my Basic Steps Tutorials.
Mask: none
Kit by: Fantasy Moments FTU Kimberley found HERE
Plugins: Alien Xenoflex 2
Not all kits are same sizes.
So if you choose another kit, your re-sizing may be different..
Lets Begin
Please NOTE the below as I will not put it in each step
Once set your Drop shadow will stay
Always Close original image after you copy.
Always sharpen re-sized items.
1. Open transparent image 500x500 flood fill with a paper of your choice. Rename background
2. Choose a Frame Open EDIT/copy
EDIT/paste as new layer into your image
I used element 74.
Add Drop shadow V1 H1 opacity 70 and blur 5.00.
layers palette/right click/ rename Frame
3.Add a new raster layer below your frame.
Click inside of your frame with your magic wand
Selections/modify/expand 6.
Select black for foreground color and white for background color.
Now open material box under Gradients find foreground-background gradient repeats 4 Apply.
Selections select none.
4. Open your tube edit/copy
edit/paste into image as new layer.
re size it to fit inside of your frame.
Adjust sharpen once.
Rotate if needed.
I rotated mine 10.00 to the right.
apply same drop shadow as before.
rename tube
5. Open your elements edit/copy each one
edit/paste them as new layers into your image
re size them to fit. see my image.
adjust and sharpen once..
Add same drop shadow as above.
refer to my image for placements.
tag element /image/free rotate 20.00 right
on the bow image/free rotate it 20.00 left.
6. Set your fore-ground color to white and your background color to blackClick on your text tool
Select your font. I used AS motherlode.
Rotate it to fit in side your tag.
layers palette/right click on layer/ convert to raster layer.
7. Layers palette close the frame layer and all layers below it by clicking eye
then right click any open layer merge/merge visibleNow close the merged layer leave frame layer closed open all layers below it
right click any open layer/merge/merge visible.
8. Add a new raster layer
Selections/select all
select a dark paper from the kit Edit/copy
edit/paste into selection on your image
Selections/contract 10
hit delete on your keyboard
selections/select none
apply same drop shadow.
9. Now add your watermark on new raster layer,
apply copyrights and license numbers.
Now Re-size all layers to your liking. I re sized to 325x325.
You always need to re size before using your plugins
for animation some will not look right if you do not re size first.
1. Duplicate your frame 2 times for a total of 3 frame layers.
close off the top and middle frame layers you just added.
To close off a layer you click on the eye in the layers palette.
2. Click on the top copy of the frame in your layers palette..
Effects/plugins/xenoflex 2 constellations
star size 2 all other settings 50.
Make sure that you check keep original image.
Now click the eye in layers palette to close off this layer
3. Click on the Middle frame layer in your layers palette
Effects/plugins Xenoflex constelations
Apply your Xenoflex constellations again,
but click on random seed one time.
Now click the eye in layers palette to close off this layer
4. Click on the bottom frame Layer in your layers palette.Apply your Xenoflex constellations again,
but click on random seed one time.
5. Edit/ copy/copy merged.
Take it to Animation shop
Paste into Animation shop as New animation.
6. Close the bottom Frame Layer, and open the middle frame Layer.Edit/ copy/copy merged.
Take to animation shop
right click first frame paste after current frame
7. Close the middle Frame Layer, and open the top frame Layer.Edit/ copy/copy merged.
Take to animation shop
right click first frame paste after current frame
Now save your animation so that you can locate it when you get ready to add it to your Stationary. I always make folders and put everything in it..
STAT Background
1. Open a new transparent image. 1000x150.
Choose same light color/paper that you used in your header in your patterns
Flood fill your image
Effects/image effects/seamless tiling..
mirror and vertical checked V-4 width 20 transition 5.
2. selection tool draw out a rectangle on left 125 wide and entire height.
Flood fill with pattern or color.
Effects/ distortion/ ripple
settings H-0, V-4 Ampitude 4 wavelength 29 check wrap..
If any of your background is showing re size 103 percent to 105 percent
Effects/image effects/seamless tiling..
mirror and vertical checked V-4 width 20 transition 5.
3. Edit/ Copy all your elements
edit/paste your elements as new layer.
re-size them to fit
adjust/sharpen onceI re-sized mine 30% then copied and pasted into my image
I then resized again 50%.
Apply your drop shadow to all elements
4. Layers palette/right click Merge /merge visible.
Effects/image effects/seamless tiling..
mirror and vertical checked V-4 width 20 transition
5. Now Export with Jpeg optimizer compression 25. Save in same file as header.
Thanks for trying my Basic Steps Tutorials.